Thursday 14 November 2019

Morimono in Gaziantep Copperware

Morimono with winter vegetables and fruits
in traditional Gaziantep copperware from Turkey

I love doing morimono arrangements. 
For my previous morimono arrangements, you can check this post from 2018 or this post from 2017 and this post from 2016 and this one from november 2014.

Saturday 2 November 2019

Ikebana International Geneva Chapter's 50th Year Exhibition

Ikebana Exhibition at Fondation Baur, Geneva, Nov 2019
Flower arrangement and ceramic vase by Evrim Ozkan Yazici

Ikebana International Geneva Chapter's 50th anniversary celebrated by a wonderful Ikebana Exhibition at Fondation Baur, Museum of Far Eastern Art, Geneva this November. It was a delightful exhibition with beautiful floral art displayed side by side to the Museum's incredible Far Eastern art and ceramics collection.
Above you'll see me proud with my arrangement as well as my handmade ceramic vase.

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