Thursday 22 March 2018

Birds and Snakes

Relief Work from Sogetsu Curriculum
Dried and colored plant materials
My relief work over the beautiful mantelpiece
of our classroom. 

Relief work of Sogetsu School is to broaden one's creativity with plants in various settings. Here, only dried, colored or bleached plant based materials, branches, leaves, twigs and grains can be used. There is no specific beginning point to the composition, feel free to create abstract work and enjoy.

Thursday 15 March 2018


Composing with branches 
"Composing with branches" requires at first to construct a stable structure with the branches themselves. It is an important technique we use in Sogetsu Ikebana which one can create bigger and impressive exhibition pieces with heavier branches and even tree trunks. The branches could be fixed together by wire, nail or screws to be a self standing composition. Only after then, you can choose your flowers and vases to go with the work.  

Check this other arrangement of the same method with willow branches and gerbera flowers.

Wonderful Protea from South Africa

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