Thursday 10 November 2016

Alien! Gomphocarpus Fruticosus

I accept, it is not alien, Gomphocarpus, it is native to South Africa and common in New Zealand, but look at them. Aren't they bizarre?
I love to use them in Ikebana, they are so interesting, especially if you remove all the leaves and left with this balloon like structures.
After a few days later though, these open up and the seeds could fly away in all directions so it is better to cut the opening folliciles at home.
According to Wikipedia, it is a food for monarch butterflies.

Gomphocarpus Fruticosus, Bamboo and Hydrangea

Gomphocarpus Fruticosus, Bamboo and Hydrangea

Gomphocarpus, a few days later

Thursday 3 November 2016


It was so fun to make this morimono arrangement with fruits and vegetables and other plant materials. Although I couldn't take a good picture, I want to post this one for the record. For another morimono arrangement, you can check this post from november 2014.

Thursday 29 September 2016

Back to School

It is september again, children are back to school as well as me back to Ikebana. Colorful autumn is on its way!

White Chrysanthemums and Maple

Thursday 9 June 2016

Ikebana International Geneva Chapter's Exhibition 2016

The Ikebana International Geneva Chapter's Exhibition took place in Foundation Baur, Museum of Far Eastern Art, Geneva, in 3-5 June 2016. It was a wonderful exhibition that I am proud to be part of.

Here are the photos of some arrangements:

Friday 3 June 2016

Proud Sunflowers: My First Exhibition :)

I am delighted to show you the photos of my first exhibition arrangement. I am so proud to be part of the Ikebana International Geneva Chapter's Exhibition in 3-5 June 2016. 
The exhibition takes place in Foundation Baur, Museum of Far Eastern Art, one hidden gem of Geneva in an elegant historical building that houses exquisite ceramics and art pieces of Baur collection. Definitely worth a visit!

Sunflowers and Date branches
in handmade brown stoneware vase
by Evrim Ozkan Yazici 

Sunflowers and Date branches
in handmade brown stoneware vase
by Evrim Ozkan Yazici
side view

mom and happy me!

Thursday 26 May 2016

Hosta Trials

We are very lucky in our Ikebana group to have Robert who brings us a wide variety of hosta leaves from his garden every year. These wonderful leaves are so sculptural, it is a joy to use them even alone without flowers. Below you can see my various trials in a glass container.

Hosta Leaves

Different view in the glass container

Hosta leaves with a single sunflower

Sunday 22 May 2016


Mom and Dad in Geneva's wonderful gardens
Parc des Eaux Vives

Tired of me taking photos among the flowering rhododendrons
of Parc des Eaux Vives, one of the best gardens in Geneva.

Thursday 19 May 2016

Sunflowers and Horsetail Geometry

Sunflowers and Horsetail
Double containers

It is always a delight to work with horsetails. I love to play with the horsetail geometry as you can see in these two different versions of the same arrangement. For this second version at home, I have used my stoneware container which I made in Michelle's studio recently. 

Sunflowers and Horsetail
 Version 2, Handmade stoneware container

For other arrangements using horsetail check this post from June 2015. 
This post from 2014 and this one from 2013 can be also interesting (both written in Turkish).

Thursday 12 May 2016

Celebrating Japanese Boys Festival with Iris

Iris and Bamboo Shoots
for Japanese Boys Festival

Iris and bamboo
Side View

You can see my earlier Boys Festival arrangements here and here
Posts are in Turkish.

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Thursday 7 April 2016

Line and Mass

I love this arrangement very much. While the elegance and beauty of the gypsophila with peonies creates the mass in relation to bamboo vase, one single vine branch, used upside down, elevates the whole! The balance between the line and mass in an Ikebana art piece is extremely important and not always easy to achieve.
Vine, Peonies, Gyposopila
Bamboo container

Wednesday 23 March 2016

Tonal Harmony

Colorful Tulips, Plum, Salix tortuosa

I think the tonal harmony among the stoneware vases and the colorful tulips highlight this work. 

Tonal harmony of the tulips with the vase is very satisfying

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